His journey to our baby

may 2005...
-we're married!! 

jan 2009...
- surprise positive pregnancy test {bfp!!}.. had not been trying or preventing
- started spotting 5 days after bfp... beta was 5 :(
- doctors called it a "chemical pregnancy".. i call this heartbreak #1

jan 2009- jan 2012...
- 3 years of not "trying" but not preventing
-{let's be honest here... i was "trying" but jason wasn't on board. it was a very trying time for both of us... i was so heartbroken & became obsessive about having a baby. it wasn't healthy & looking back i'm glad we did not conceive during this time... God really started a work in us during this season & healed up my heart from the first miscarriage}

jan 2012...
- by this time, i was not focused on getting pregnant but it was still a desire for the future
- surprise BFP!!!! but i had no insurance :( ...  never had hcg betas or progesterone tested
- before we announced our bfp, jason's aunt had a dream that someone in the family was pregnant & was giving birth in a tub of water {for the record, she had never heard of this before... & our plan was/is to have natural water birth!! so crazy!!} this was confirmation to us that everything with the pregnancy was going to be ok & we did not worry about the possibility of another another loss

march 2012...
- had first appointment at birthing center on 3/13/12... i was 10 weeks
- there was no heartbeat but the midwife attributed it to my tilted uterus & was not worried
- 3/16/12 was a friday & i started spotting... 3/17/12 it turned red
- at 11 weeks 2 days... was lost the baby... this was heartbreak #2

april 2012- dec 2013
- almost 2 more years of not "trying" but not preventing
- God healed us up again... we really focused on our marriage & getting plugged in to an amazing new church family at C3 San Diego... love love love!!!
- we started going to C3 on 3/17/13... exactly one year after our 2nd miscarriage
- i'm pretty sure this is the first sermon we heard from Pastor Phil Pringle from C3 in Australia {hubby cried his eyes out & knew we found our new church home} ... & we went back for the second service that same night {i followed suit with serious ugly face crying & agreed that God wanted us at C3}. that night Pastor Phil Pringle said something that shook me to my core... he said God wants me to tell someone here tonight that you have been struggling with a loss, but it is not a loss... it's just a part of the process... {insert chills here!!! thank you Jesus!!}

dec 2013...
- i'm the big 3-0... & we are {meaning my hubby is} officially ready to start trying!!

jan 2014...
- i'm fully insured {yahoo!!!}
- starting blood work/ testing to get some answers... blood cell count is perfect, blood sugar is perfect... thyroid is perfect!! primary care referred me to an obgyn for "multipiple misscarriage" blood work in march

march 2014...
- obgyn appointment was lame & non-eventful... she ordered no blood work & was honestly clueless... no new information & this piece of paper in hand...

not really a surprise but still sucks :( at least we have a referral... let the testing begin!!! next appointment should be the end of march!


  1. Replies
    1. i know right!! after 4 years of having no health coverage it is a HUGE relief!!

  2. 1. God has many blessings coming your way.
    2. Patiently waiting for your season what ever direction that may be is always a test to fully rely in him.
    3. what's C3 SD??? Nomore Rock? :(
    So happy, and proud of you for being transparent. You are one of the few people I know that open up and share the real unscripted unedited edition of your journey. Jenny you are so inspirational♥Jason I'm sure you are the sweetest husband. We need to have lunch and praise the HS for his Greatness!

    1. thanks girl!! yea we left the Rock a year ago... I have nothing but positive things to say about the Rock!! I love Pastor Miles & his heart for San Diego but God just called us to make C3 our church home... C3 stands for Christian City Church. It was founded in Australia & is growing across the entire world!! We are a church that works in the gifts of the Holy Spirit (prophesy, healing, speaking in tounges etc)... it is such an amazing church & we have grown so much in the last year!! you should visit sometime!!... & yes lunch sounds amazing!!! :)
