barren women in the Bible

Psalm 113:9 (AMP)
"He makes the barren woman to be a homemaker and a joyful mother of [spiritual] children. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!"

this is a topic very close to my heart because God put it there :) bear with me as this is a work in process... but aren't we all!!

Sarai (later named Sarah by the Lord) 
Abraham’s wife, barren until she was 90, then she had Isaac
Genesis 16 & 21 (mentioned in Hebrews 11:11)

Isaac’s wife, barren until Isaac prays, then she has twins, Esau and Jacob (Israel)
Genesis 25:21

Jacob’s wife, mother of six of sons whose descendants became the Twelve Tribes of Israel
Genesis 29:31

Jacob’s wife, barren until she has Joseph, who delivers Israel from famine
Genesis 30

Monah's wife (no name is given for her)
barren until she has Samson, who also delivers Israel
Judges 13

Boaz’s wife, barren (widowed) until she has Obed, who begets Jesse, who begets David the king in the line of Jesus
Ruth 4

Elkanah’s wife, barren until she has Samuel the great prophet
1 Samuel 1

David’s wife, died barren and childless
2 Samuel 6:23

The Shunammite Woman
Ministered to Elisha, showed him hospitality
1 Kings 4:8-37


Zacharias’ wife, mother of John the Baptist of whom Jesus said there was no greater prophet born of women
Luke 1

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